下單並完成付款後,現貨貨品我們最快會在48小時內為您出貨。預購款預計下單後7至14日到貨。但不排除運送時間/發貨時間會因週末及公眾假期而有所影響。Current stock orders will be arranged within 48 hours. Pre-order products will be arranged after the order was placed within 7 days to 14 working days. Shipping time and arrangement would be affected during Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
「現貨」Double Straps – tiffany blue
- 舒適夠集中
- 雙肩帶設計
- 銀色後扣 (三格調教)
- 強烈建議加購三角厚PAD 製造更push up 效果
- 泰國製造
- Size range and one sizes only
下半:23-27 腰
Model Size: yoyo 34C 24 36
In stock
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