

源自2016年 ,店主到泰國旅行把泳衣帶到香港。一直希望為女孩們帶來美美泳衣,一直默默努力由到市集採購直至有自家設計的泳衣。

我們崇尚簡單美麗的設計,希望在細節中突顯然女性美態。我們希望每個女孩 每次穿上泳衣都不會覺得有煩惱,變得更有自信展現自己身體,更喜歡自己。

B.kinii 致力提供高質的泳衣而且價錢經濟, 性價比高,希望每一個女孩子都可以負擔得起心儀的泳衣。

Rachel @ B.kinii


About b.kinii

The journey for our founder, Rachel, started in 2016, almost by accident, on holiday in Thailand. She noticed and was immediately attracted to the simple but yet elegant Thai designs but more importantly, how well it fitted on the Asian woman body shape. We have since come a long way from buying generic designs to now designing our own unique swimsuits based on feedback from our clients.

Her vision is for every woman wearing B.kinii swimsuits to immediately feel empowered with the aim of increasing self confidence in our body.

Our Brand prides itself with providing our customers with only the highest quality of products, at the most affordable prices possible, so that we can help brighten up every girls lives.