下單並完成付款後,現貨貨品我們最快會在48小時內為您出貨。預購款預計下單後7至14日到貨。但不排除運送時間/發貨時間會因週末及公眾假期而有所影響。Current stock orders will be arranged within 48 hours. Pre-order products will be arranged after the order was placed within 7 days to 14 working days. Shipping time and arrangement would be affected during Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
[現貨]Harley- dark and light gray mixed – Double-Layer
* 兩層雙重包蓋
* 單層入面第一層後頸扣帶
* 外圍外面第二層綁帶覆蓋副乳
* 建議加購三角形厚pad去製造更push up效果
* 泰國製造
One size only
Size range reference/ Adjustable:
top: 30ABCDEFG/ 32CDEFG/ 34BCDEF / 36 BCDE
Waist : 23 – 29
Hips : 33 – 37
MODEL : Adrienne 32E 26 37.5
In stock
Shipping & Delivery